Your brain is the most powerful organ you have. It works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It manages and regulates every system in your body and is the focus point for everything that you do in life. If you respect your brain by feeding it the right fuel, exercising it and giving it some well earned rest, then your brain will reward you with a healthy and clear mind so that you can move through life with the focus you need to succeed.
Your brain is basically split up into three sections. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, consisting of the left and right hemisphere. It performs higher functions like speech, vision, touching, emotions, learning and fine movement control. The cerebellum is located under the cerebrum and controls things like muscle movement, balance and maintaining posture. The brain stem connects the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord and performs automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate and regulating body temperature.
There are two types of cells that make up the brain. Nerve cells make up the neuronal pathways in the brain allowing information to flow, be processed and stored through electrical and chemical signals. The glia cells are the second type and are used to support the neuronal cells by providing them with nourishment, structural support and protection.

There are up to 50 times more glia cells than nerve cells in the brain.
You were most likely taught that glucose is the main fuel needed for a functional brain. It is true that glucose is needed however there is another fuel source that is even more potent than glucose for peak brain performance. This fuel source is ketones. Glucose and ketones are the two types of chemicals that can pass the blood/brain barrier to provide fuel for the brain. Glucose can either be consumed (such as fruit) or the body can convert proteins in to glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis. Ketones on the other hand are produced naturally within the body by the liver, which converts fat cells in to ketones.
While more research and literature is now available on brain performance with ketones as the primary fuel source common knowledge still seems to be that glucose is all the brain need which is completely false. The brain actually needs both, and of the two more so ketones. Studies are now being released showing that people with brain injuries, epilepsy and ADHD perform better and have reduced symptoms on a ketogenic diet when compared with the standard high carbohydrate diet. People who have high ketone levels in the blood report reduced brain fog, clearer focus, and are able to concentrate longer.
So how can you make sure that your brain is getting the fuel it needs to keep you feeling focused and healthy? Well here are some tips.
1. Cut Out All Processed Sugar – Processed sugar is the number one worst thing you eat if you want to live a healthy life and have a healthy brain. While your brain does require glucose to give energy to the brain cells, you should be getting this glucose from fruit and unprocessed sources. Eating processed sugar spikes your insulin drastically more than fruit, which causes a drastic come down affect causing severe brain fog. You will feel on top of the world for an hour but then your focus goes down significantly, brain fog kicks in and irritability can also set in.
Unlike essential proteins and essential fatty acids, which need to be consumed because the body cannot produce them naturally, there are no essential carbohydrates. Your body is able to convert protein and fat cells in to all the carbohydrates your body need, including glucose for the brain. It does this through a process called gluconeogenesis.
2. Go Ketogenic Once In A While – To a state of ketosis you need to limit your carbohydrate intake to less than 50g per day. Basically stop eating sugar, fruit, starch and bread. Eat plenty of saturated fat because now this will be your primary fuel source. If you have never been in ketosis before, then be prepared for what is called the ‘keto flu’. This is where you will feel awful flu like symptom even though you don’t have the flu. It’s your body’s way of becoming fat adapted as your liver starts learning to convert fat into ketones rather than processing sugar. It’s perfectly normal and lasts for up to 2-weeks. Once you have the keto flu you usually won’t get it again, even if you break ketosis by eating carbohydrates and then get yourself back in to ketosis again in the future.
3. Use Your Brain – Your brain is like a muscle. You need to use it if you want it to be happy. When you give your brain fuel you need to let it use that fuel and get tired. Read, write, learn, think. These are all great ways to use your brain and keep it strong.
4. Have Ice Baths – Ice baths have been shown to increase dopamine levels (behavioral neurotransmitters) by up to 250%. This results in increased focus, happier moods and more balanced hormones which are all managed by the brain. When you’re in the cold your focus increases 10 fold. Next time you have an ice bath, or a cold bath, try to solve a problem that has been bothering you and see how you go.
5. Get Good Sleep – The power of sleep for a healthy brain cannot be overstated. In fact sleep is when the brain can properly heal, form new neuronal pathways, integrate the sub-conscious, produce new brain cells and recharge existing brain cells.
6. Exercise – Exercise doesn’t mean hitting the gym and getting abs of steel, it means moving your body. Go for a walk, swim, get outside and be active. Exercise does wonders for the brain. By exercising you not only get your blood pumping, but you also breath heavier which means higher oxygen intake and expelling toxins from your body. All of this has a direct impact on the health of your brain and mental clarity.
Respect your brain and look after it so you can live a balanced life. If you want to learn more then please feel free to contact me.